Stanford mmpi test
Stanford mmpi test

stanford mmpi test

A test subject is often provided a form board, or frame, and a number (the quantity determined by the test subject’s age and ability) of different shaped pieces that can be assembled to fill the frame. The nonverbal portion of this sub-test usually includes assembling puzzles and patterns. Visual-spatial processing involves the recognition of both patterns and spatial relationships and the ability to recognize the whole from its constituent parts. Math concepts are presented in both verbal and nonverbal formats. At higher levels, measurement, geometry and word problems are included. Depending on a test subject’s level, questions in this section can include basic counting, addition and subtraction. Quantitative reasoning measures a person’s numeracy.

stanford mmpi test

The verbal sub-test includes vocabulary questions, which may be administered using toys or flash cards. For example, a young test subject might be asked to explain basic human needs, like eating, using gestures. Nonverbal procedural knowledge is tested using gestures. Similar to verbal absurdities, visual absurdities are pictures that contain silly or impossible scenarios that the examinee is asked to explain. The nonverbal sub-tests from this factor are tested with procedural knowledge and visual absurdities. Knowledge is defined as someone’s accumulated stock of general information that has been committed to long-term memory. For example, a person might be asked a classification question in the guise of the analogy “an apple is to fruit as celery is to _.” (vegetable). Analogies reveal the relationship between concepts. Upon hearing these statements, test takers are asked to explain why they are silly or impossible. Verbal absurdities are simply statements that are silly or impossible. Verbal absurdities and verbal analogies are used to test a person’s verbal fluid reasoning.


Generally speaking, a test subject is shown a series that illustrates a pattern and is asked to complete the pattern. The nonverbal aspect of fluid reasoning is tested with object series matrices.

stanford mmpi test

Fluid Reasoningįluid reasoning is the ability to solve (usually abstract) problems in which no prior knowledge is required. Theoretically then the Stanford-Binet test measures a person’s ability to learn. Each of the five factors is given a weight and the combined score is often reduced to a ratio known commonly as the intelligence quotient, or IQ. Both verbal and nonverbal responses are measured. These five factors include fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales are designed to measure five factors of cognitive ability.

Stanford mmpi test